Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Texas, Marriage, and the Defenders

Although I often get frustrated that marriage gets so much limelight when I feel there are so many other important queer issues, I thought I'd share this wonderful video. Why? I'll tell you why.

I'm getting married!

So what's the big deal about me getting married? People get married every day, even queer people. Why is my marriage noteworthy?

First of all, I'm flying to Massachusetts to get married. I live in Texas, and I cannot get married to my partner here because it is not legally recognized. While I'm excited to finally tie the knot, and to go on a honeymoon trip in Provincetown, MA, I am not happy that I can't do it in my home state surrounded by family and friends. Secondly, when I get back, Texas (as well as the federal government) won't acknowledge my marriage. My partner and I will still have to mark "single" on government forms, miss out on 1049 federal rights that come along with marriage, and continue to deal with this inequality on a day-to-day basis.

I'm excited to see the trend of same-sex marriage approval that is sweeping the northeastern states of our country, and can only hope that the rest of our "great" nation will follow suit. It is dissappointing to hear that California upheld the passage of Prop 8, and I will be happy to see the day when the United States of America realizes it is not only unjust, but unconstitutional to deny its citizens equality.

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